Monday, December 14, 2009

Richie is awesome

Title says it all....

Monday, November 16, 2009

*The Book Cover Best Suited*

I personally think that the fourth book cover presented was a great representation of the story contained within the book entitled The Fifth Child. That particular book cover exhibits the loneliness that Ben has had to deal with due to his conditions. It cannot be questioned why Ben was sentenced to a life of misery, solitude, and loneliness. His mental incapabilities have cast him down a path in which melancholia is perpetual. However, it is the negligent behavior of his parents that have created this lifestyle for Ben.
The book cover that displays the small child staring gloomily out a window, portrays the meaning of the book, as well as a common emotion that is expressed throughout the story. Sadness. The cover presented also signifies the isolation and imprisonment that Ben is forced to comply with. The saddened expresssion shown upon the young child's face represents Ben's emotions throughout the story.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

*Opinion on Frankenstein*

Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, is a work of both intrigue as well as expression. The outstanding use of diction throughout the book evokes an anticipation within me to read onward. This particular novel may be a work of fiction, but it's a representation of conflicts that can develop in reality. The emotion and thought put into this work allows it to have a sense of realism. A sense of realism within in a piece of literature creates interest. Without interest, Frankenstein would not have had the captivating effect it has held over me so far.
The relationships between the characters, as well as the thoughts looming about their minds, has also been contributive towards the intrigue that this work contains. The unique story and the different perspectives of each character exhibited throughout the book seem to signify emotions that are experienced by many people. I seem to think that in order to write using a specific emotion, one must have had to feel that emotion at one time in their life. I also agree that one cannot fake feelings, and cannot create an idea to what those emotions feel like unless they are experienced . I conclude that Mary Shelley must have experienced feelings such as the ones she has used to define the characters.